The China Tea Marketing Association (CTMA)
The China Tea Marketing Association (CTMA) was found in 1992
The China Tea Marketing Association (CTMA) was found in 1992
Anothony Capobionaco Anthony Capobianco has more than 10 years of tea industry experience. In 2008, he founded Zen Tea Traders, a full-leaf artisan tea purveyor. He expanded his knowledge of tea cupping in Japan. He also consults with tea companies to assist them in improving their customer experience thereby increasing revenue, as well as consulting
Two of students, Terri Allmon and Marzi Pecen, who have taken all of the courses the academy has to offer, share their reflections on how the courses have enriched them intellectually and professionally. Both emphasized the convenience of the online courses combined with the value of being able to discuss course material with instructors. Allmon
Two of students, Terri Allmon and Marzi Pecen, who have taken all of the courses the academy has to offer, share their reflections on how the courses have enriched them intellectually and professionally. Both emphasized the convenience of the online courses combined with the value of being able to discuss course material with instructors. Allmon
, an online institution that provides tea education ranging from terroir characteristics to brewing techniques, has an opening for an Assistant Education Manager. World Tea Academy Director Lisa Boalt Richardson is looking for someone who has five years of tea education experience, as well as experience teaching tea-related classes. The ability to work with students
original director, Donna Fellman, plans to retire in December. Fellman leaves a legacy of top-notch online tea education that continues to grow in content and attendance. Lisa Boalt Richardson, who was brought on as the Online Assistant Manager in 2018, became the Director in July and is proud to continue to carry out the academy’s
Global Tea Championship (Photo by Elizabeth Dobos) The Global Tea Championship’s will take place in Boulder, Colorado, Sept. 28 – 29. Tea companies from around the world will compete in . All of the teas will be tasted and evaluated by three judges who are tea experts: Lydia Kung, Jhanne Jasmine and Danielle Hochstetter. Winners
World Tea Expo Origins Tasting Tour Workshop (Photo courtesy of Faith Bailes) In June, the gave away three free trips to tea producing countries: India, Nepal and South Korea, to three Origins Tasting Tour Workshop attendees. The Origins Tasting Tour Workshop featured speakers who talked about and shared teas from: China, Sri Lanka, India, Japan,
(Image courtesy of Julee Rosenoff) Tea aficionados from across the Pacific Northwest will meet in late September for the 12th annual Northwest Tea Festival, a two-day event in Seattle, Wash. The festival, scheduled for Sept. 28-29, brings tea experts from around the world to lead a variety of presentations, workshops and tea tastings. The event
Brian Keating is introducing the Brian Keating Gratitude Scholarship. One scholarship will be awarded annually and can be applied towards seven World Tea Academy courses taken in 2020. Applications will be accepted Aug. 12 through Sept. 30 and the winner will be announced Nov. 1. “To express our gratitude for all that he contributed to
Davidson’s Organic Teas Releases 12 New Blends and Shares #LeafToCup Journey Davidson’s Organics Tulsi Turmeric Ginger (Photo/DavidsonsTea.com) Sparks, Nevada-based recently added 12 new tea blends to its repertoire of more than 300, announced a company . The diverse array of new products includes, four new Chinese Tea Blends (Chun Mee Green, Imperial Yellow, Moonlight White