Category: CTMA News

Tea diplomacy CTMA News Industry News

Category: CTMA News

National Tea Production and Marketing Situation in March
July 10, 2024 CTMA News, Industry News ctma

In order to timely release the dynamics of national spring tea production and marketing situation in 2024 and provide guidance, China Tea Marketing Association has carried out research with provincial industry associations of major tea-producing provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) across the country and formed an annual spring tea series

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The 2024 Green Tea Brand Conference was successfully held
July 10, 2024 CTMA News, Industry News ctma

On March 16, the 2024 Green Tea Brand Conference was successfully held in Wuzhong District, Suzhou, and the second Suzhou Taihu Dongting Mountain Biluochun Tea Culture Festival opened at the same time. Wang Qing, the chairman of China Tea Marketing Association(CTMA) and director general of the National Technical Committee 339 on Tea of Standardization Administration

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Welcome to Hengfudongdao booth
April 15, 2024 CTMA News, News, Tea set ctma

Here follows the information of exhibitions which Hengfudongdao team will participate: In April, PDC Brand Design Exhibition of the 135th China Import and Export Fair In May, China Arts and Crafts Exhibition In June, French Olympic Games Exhibition In September, 25th Anniversary Exhibition of Macao’s Return

Double Reduction in Volume and Value of Chinese Tea Export in 2023
February 6, 2024 CTMA News, Data, News, Statistics ctma

Customs statistics show that China’s tea exports totaled 367,500 tons in 2023, a decrease of 0.77 million tons (a 2.05% year-over-year decrease) compared with the whole year of 2022. Tea exports amounted to $1.741 billion, with a $341 million less than in 2022, equal to a 16.38% decline year-on-year. Average price reaches 4.74 US dollars/kg,

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China Tea Marketing Association Made an Official Visit to Brazil and Columbia
December 25, 2023 CTMA News, News ctma

At the invitation of Brazil China Chamber of Commerce and Colombia China Friendship Association, from Dec 5thto Dec 12th, China Tea Marketing Association made an 8-day official visit to Brazil and Columbia for tea industry and market investigation. During the visit, CTMA respectively visited Brazil China Chamber of Commerce, Solidaridad Brazil Branch, Colombia China Friendship

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“Drinking” leads the trend – the 2023 New-Style Tea Beverage Exchange Conference was successfully held
December 4, 2023 CTMA News, News ctma

On November 19,”Drinking” leads the trend – the 2023 New-Style Tea Beverage Exchange Conference was successfully held. Wang Qing, Chairman of China Tea Marketing Association and director general of National Technical Committee 339 on Tea of standardization Administration of China, Song Huiyu, Chairman of Chibi CPPCC and Executive Vice chain leader of tea industry; Zhang

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2023 “Belt and Road” Qingzhuan Tea Exhibition Came to a Successful Conclusion
December 4, 2023 CTMA News, News ctma

Recently, the 2023 “Belt and Road” Chibi Qingzhuan Tea Exhibition was held in Chibi City, Xianning, Hubei Province. With the theme of advocating tea culture, thriving tea economy, promoting tea brands and expanding tea consumption, the exhibition has 60 special booths and 90 standard booths, attracting more than 100 brand tea enterprises to participate in

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19th China Tea Industry Economic Annual Conference was successfully held in Chibi city, Shanxi province
November 24, 2023 CTMA News, News ctma

On November 18th, the opening ceremony of the 19th China Tea Industry Economic Annual Conference which is organized by China Tea Marketing Association was held in the Chibi Convention Center. After the opening ceremony, the participants visited the exhibition area of the People’s Square of Chibi City. Leaders from Yunnan Province, Anhui Province, Fujian Province,

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President Wang Qing was invited to attend the issuing ceremony of the UN stamp “International Tea Day” and the celebration of the 2023 International Tea Day
May 24, 2023 CTMA News, Industry News, News ctma

On May 18th, the issuing ceremony of the UN stamp “International Tea Day” and the celebration of International Tea Day 2023 were held at the UN building in Beijing. Mr. Wang Qing, President of China Tea Marketing Association, was invited to attend this activity and deliver a speech. President Wang Qing said, “The United Nations

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2021 Beijing Online Tea Expo Successfully Opened
December 7, 2021 CTMA News, News ctma

On November 24th, the 2021 Beijing online Tea Expo which is hosted by China Tea Marketing Association officially opened. This event will last for one month and meet with consumers through the cloud mode of “cloud opening and online participation”, so as to minimize the epidemic risk and promote the prosperity of online tea marketing

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