Month: March 2021

Month: March 2021

Tea tipplers are more likely to live longer, healthier lives than you triple venti half-sweet no foam latte-swilling fiends
March 30, 2021 Knowledge, Tea and Health ctma

 From The Register Tea lovers that chug three or more cups of the warm nectar per week are more likely to live longer than those that drink tea less often, or never touch the wonderful stuff. Habitual tea consumption is associated with lower risks of cardiovascular disease and all-cause death, said Xinyan Wang, a researcher

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The 17th Mengding Mountain Tea Culture Tourism Festival grandly opened in Ya’an, Sichuan
March 30, 2021 CTMA News, News ctma

On March 27th, the 17th Mengding Mountain Tea Culture Tourism Festival was grandly opened in Mingshan District, Ya’an City, Sichuan Province. More than 300 guests including tea experts, entrepreneurs, foreign guests from Sri Lanka, Slovakia, and Ecuador Embassies in China, representatives of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, and the World Bank attended the opening ceremony.

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The 14th China International Tea Merchants Convention Songyang Xiang Tea Festival opened
March 29, 2021 CTMA News, News ctma

On March 27th, the 14th China International Tea Merchants Convention Songyang Xiang Tea Festival opened in Songyang County, Zhejiang Province. More than 300 guests, including tea experts, entrepreneurs from Chinese tea industry, and diplomatic envoys from Hungary and Sri Lanka embassy in China, attended the convention. Pastoral Songyang, Organic Tea Village. On the opening ceremony, the Songyang part in the Chinese tea purchasing and

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Mr. Wang Qing was invited to the Sri Lanka Embassy in China
March 9, 2021 CTMA News, News ctma

On the morning of March 9th , Mr. Wang Qing ,president of China Tea Marketing Association and director of the National Tea Standardization Technical Committee, was invited to the Sri Lankan Embassy in China to have a meeting with the Sri Lankan Ambassador Dr. Palitha T.B. Kohona. The two sides exchanged in-depth views on topics such as the

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Some informations about tea planting
March 9, 2021 Chinese tea culture, Knowledge ctma

The difference between tea that grown in high mountain tea and plain Tea that grown in high mountain, the buds and leaves are fat, bright green with white hair. The processed tea is firm and plump with white hair exposed. It has rich fragrance, strong taste and strong brewing resistance. Tea that grown in plain,

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