What we do

August 5, 2019 No Comments what we do ctma

Undertaking functions and offering suggestions

China Tea Marketing Association actively performs the functions of intermediary organizations in the tea industry and strives for the functions entrusted by the government, such as National Development and Reform Commission, General Administration of Customs, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, State Administration of Market Regulation, All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, National Ethnic Affaris Commission, Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation and so on.

The association has established a long-term communication mechanism with the General Administration of Customs, and successfully promoted the addition of the import and export tariff number of dark tea and white tea.

Serving Social responsibility, realizing rural revitalization

China Tea Marketing Association takes the initiative to play the role of industry coordination, guidance and service, helps rural revitalization with industrial construction, takes into account the development of poor tea areas and supports consumption, contacts governments closely, mobilizes the resources of the industry and members, expand sales market, and links industrial construction with consumption and poverty alleviation to form a benign mechanism.

Advocating self-discipline and safeguarding rights and interests

China Tea Marketing Association gives full play to the positive guiding role of industry organizations, does a good job in the construction of the credit system, promotes the self-discipline convention and ethical standards of the industry, guides enterprises to operate in good faith; actively deals with various industry disputes and resolutely safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of the industry; promotes communication, cooperation and mutual trust, and continuously optimizes the market development environment and the industry development ecology.

According to the needs of local market supervision departments and local courts, the association has assisted in issuing complaints on the rights protection of tea products consumption, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, and resisting professional anti-counterfeiting.

Linking Production and Marketing, Serving Economy

Centering on the establishment of a “dual circulation” development pattern in which domestic economic cycle plays a leading role while international economic cycle remains its extension and supplement, China Tea Marketing Association has built a production and marketing platform, focused on the main line of circulation, and worked with local governments, industry organizations and enterprises to vigorously organize tea events and exhibitions, activate the circulation and consumption market, promote the development of regional tea economy, and promote the high-quality development of local tea industry.

China Tea Industry Economic Annual Convention

Featuring with the longest history, the highest specifications, the most extensive influence, the strongest innovation, the largest cohesion, the most participants, and the most authoritative information release in Chinese tea industry, the China Tea Industry Economic Annual Convention has been successfully held for 18 consecutive sessions. Its predecessor is the Annual Convention of China Tea Economic Information Network, which was founded in 1984 and officially changed its name to the China Tea Industry Economic Annual Convention in 2004. Focusing on the high-quality development of the tea industry, the convention comprehensively summarized the annual achievements, highlighted the industry’s advanced models, released industry economic reports, displayed the latest scientific research products, and exchanged the future development, which was fully recognized by governments and the whole industry.

Beijing International Tea Expo

Beijing International Tea Expo is one of the international tea events jointly held by Xicheng District People’s Government of Beijing Municipal and prefecture-level city governments in tea-producing areas, with huge specification, abundant contents extensive influence and remarkable effect. From 2012 to 2023, Beijing International Tea Expo has been successfully held for 10 sessions, achieving excellent results and becoming the stage of tea economy development. By 2023, the total number of participating enterprises has exceeded 3,200, the number of visitors has exceeded 900,000, the total number of settled projects has exceeded 8,000, and the total amount of intended transactions has reached nearly 6.5 billion RMB. Beijing International Tea Expo has been praised by the industry and beyond.

Tea Industry Theme Convention

China Tea Marketing Association has pioneered the White Tea Convention, Black Tea Convention, Tea Merchant Convention, Tea Tourism Convention, Huangshan Tea Convention, Jasmine Tea Trade Convention, Maojian Tea Convention and other theme conventions. All these comprehensively display the new development of related industries, promote local brands and linkage between production and marketing, so as to drive the overall and partial coordinated development and accelerate the large-scale upgrading and global development of tea industry.

Consultation and Evaluation

Brand service

By building and expanding the brand diversification exchange service platform, China Tea Marketing Association provides quality services for the government, tea enterprises and public institutions, and helps China’s tea brand construction and market competitiveness improvement. Cooperating with China Brand Cluster and other institutions to strengthen cross-border cooperation and expand brand communication channels. Promote tea brand evaluation and related standard system construction. Participated in the brand value evaluation of geographical indication products for many times.

Industry survey and information services

Based on the official website, wechat public platform and the journal Tea World, China Tea Marketing Association has enriched its information service window by constructing a media matrix. Establishing stable contact with a number of central media and industry media to report the industry in depth. China Tea Marketing Association continues to carry out annual research in the industry, organizes special production and marketing situation analysis conferences, promote the formation of China tea industry index system, release various special reports for public welfare, and lead the compilation and publication of the annual “China Tea Industry Development Report”. With our own industry data, technical standards and price index as the core, we will continue to promote the Big Data Construction Project of Chinese tea industry.

Industrial planning, evaluation and communication

China Tea Marketing Association organized and compiled five “Proposals for the Development of Chinese Tea Industry” from 10th to 14th Five-Year Plan, and undertook the preparation of development plans for a number of key tea-producing counties. We hold exchange activities on scientific and technological innovation and application, and organize the evaluation of scientific and technological achievements.

Traditional technique heritage and technical communication

China Tea Marketing Association is committed to the inheritance and development of tea manufacturing techniques and the improvement of the quality of tea products, and launched the “National Tea Masters Investigation Work” and continue to enrich the connotation. Innovatively promotes tea quality evaluation activities and tea processing exchange activities, strengthen technical communication and cooperation among tea producing areas, and enhance the market awareness and influences of tea brands.

Standard service and quality safety

China Tea Marketing Association has built a standardized comprehensive service system with the focus on group standards, the comprehensive expansion of national standards, industry standards and enterprise standards, and the active participation of international standards. We focus on the field of tea marketing, continuously improves the tea standard system and optimizes the standard structure.

Cooperation and Communication

Cross-border cooperation and industry communication

China Tea Marketing Association cooperates with the governments of various tea producing regions to promote the integration of resources, promote the connection of production and marketing, technological innovation, improve quality and efficiency in the local tea industry. Focusing on new formats, new products, and new trends in the industry, collaborating with relevant fields, expanding friends circle, conducting cross-border work and expanding industry development space.

China Tea Marketing Association cooperates with the governments of various tea producing regions to promote the integration of resources, promote the connection of production and marketing, technological innovation, improve quality and efficiency in the local tea industry. Focusing on new formats, new products, and new trends in the industry, collaborating with relevant fields, expanding friends circle, conducting cross-border work and expanding industry development space.

Coordinate with the governments of tea-producing areas to promote the quality and efficiency of the tea industry

Foreign affairs cooperation

China Tea Marketing Association joined the International Tea Committee in 2005, actively participated in various international tea affairs, expanding foreign exchanges and cooperation. Participated in multiple meetings such as ISO/TC 34/SC 8 and FAO-IGG on Tea, and participated in the formulation of international tea standards; Establishing close contacts and cooperation with embassies and foreign tea institutions in China to carry out tea related activities.

International exchange and overseas promotion

China Tea Marketing Association actively responded to “The Belt and Road Initiative”, continued to expand exchanges and cooperation, continuously held international tea events, organized and carried out “International Tea Day” and a series of tea drinking activities every year, and held many foreign visits to carry out cooperation and exchanges.

China Tea Marketing Association has launched an Overseas Promotion Plan for Chinese Tea, pioneered the English official website in Chinese tea industry, introduced Chinese famous tea and characteristic tea producing counties, released information for export tea enterprises, and expanded international marketing channels.

Chinese Tea Diplomacy


Three tea companies including Xiangtea Group, Jiahe Food and Xie Yuda Tea won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award

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