Category: News

New-style Tea Beverage In 2023: The Year of Rat Race, Marking Down or Hitting Overseas Markets ?
December 25, 2023 Industry News, Knowledge, New style chinese tea beverage, News ctma

The Year 2023 is one with more rat race in new-style tea beverage. After three years of epidemic, the consumer market has ushered in a full recovery this year, but “retaliatory consumption” does not seem to be reflected. The trend of rational and healthy consumption is surging, and the questionable characteristics of high sugar, high

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Tea from Xiaogan, C China’s Hubei enjoys popularity along Belt and Road
December 19, 2023 Industry News, News ctma

From People’s Daily Online On Dec. 1, a China-Europe freight train loaded with 200 tonnes of tea produced by Hubei Xiaoganhong Tribute Tea Co., Ltd. (Xiaoganhong) departed for Russia. During the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing in October, Xiaoganhong, which is based in central China’s Hubei Province, signed a contract

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New-style tea beverages brew new consumption trend
December 13, 2023 Industry News, Knowledge, New style chinese tea beverage, News ctma

NANNING, Dec. 1 (Xinhua) — Having savored tea for over 2,000 years, Chinese tea enthusiasts are now welcoming innovations in this age-old beverage, with trends ranging from fruit tea and bubble tea to blended drinks like chai latte, sparking a thriving market. Peng Yonghua, a veteran engineer at the research and development center of an

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“Drinking” leads the trend – the 2023 New-Style Tea Beverage Exchange Conference was successfully held
December 4, 2023 CTMA News, News ctma

On November 19,”Drinking” leads the trend – the 2023 New-Style Tea Beverage Exchange Conference was successfully held. Wang Qing, Chairman of China Tea Marketing Association and director general of National Technical Committee 339 on Tea of standardization Administration of China, Song Huiyu, Chairman of Chibi CPPCC and Executive Vice chain leader of tea industry; Zhang

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2023 “Belt and Road” Qingzhuan Tea Exhibition Came to a Successful Conclusion
December 4, 2023 CTMA News, News ctma

Recently, the 2023 “Belt and Road” Chibi Qingzhuan Tea Exhibition was held in Chibi City, Xianning, Hubei Province. With the theme of advocating tea culture, thriving tea economy, promoting tea brands and expanding tea consumption, the exhibition has 60 special booths and 90 standard booths, attracting more than 100 brand tea enterprises to participate in

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19th China Tea Industry Economic Annual Conference was successfully held in Chibi city, Shanxi province
November 24, 2023 CTMA News, News ctma

On November 18th, the opening ceremony of the 19th China Tea Industry Economic Annual Conference which is organized by China Tea Marketing Association was held in the Chibi Convention Center. After the opening ceremony, the participants visited the exhibition area of the People’s Square of Chibi City. Leaders from Yunnan Province, Anhui Province, Fujian Province,

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Exploring Tea Standardization, the First National Consumer Perspective Tea Flavor Wheel was Released
August 14, 2023 Industry News, News ctma

Recently, the national conference of “Authentic Chinese Tea and Black Tea Flavor Wheel” was officially held. CHALI, as the only brand with strategic cooperation, jointly released China’s first black tea flavor wheel based on the consumer perspective with China National Geographic·Local Style. “Authentic Chinese Tea and Black Tea Flavor Wheel” is guided by China Tea

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“Partner Plan” NAYUKI Has Entered a New Stage of “Direct Sales + Franchised Stores” Two-Wheel Drive
August 14, 2023 Industry News, Knowledge, New style chinese tea beverage, News ctma

On July 20, NAYUKI, the founder of the new-style tea beverage, officially launched the “partner Plan”. It is said that in order to make it more convenient for more consumers to experience NAYUKI’s products and services, and bring the “good power” to more users, NAYUKI officially opened the “partner program”. It also hopes to give

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Perfection to a tea
July 25, 2023 Industry News ctma

Cultural inheritors of Pu’er in Yunnan eager to spread the beverage’s fame, Deng Zhangyu reports. As the sun rises over his tea plantation in Ning’er county in Pu’er, Yunnan province, Li Xingchang walks around examining the leaves and smelling their aroma. September is harvest time, and Li is treating each tree tenderly, as if it

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“Hefeng Tea” Going to the World
July 21, 2023 Industry News, News ctma

From Xinhua News Recently, in the production workshop of a company in Hubei province, workers were busy filling export orders. The tea produced by the company will be loaded into containers and transported to Ningbo Port, and then shipped to African countries such as Senegal and European countries such as Belgium and France. It is

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