The China Tea Marketing Association (CTMA)
The China Tea Marketing Association (CTMA) was found in 1992
The China Tea Marketing Association (CTMA) was found in 1992
Brian Keating
is introducing the Brian Keating Gratitude Scholarship. One scholarship will be awarded annually and can be applied towards seven World Tea Academy courses taken in 2020. Applications will be accepted Aug. 12 through Sept. 30 and the winner will be announced Nov. 1.
“To express our gratitude for all that he contributed to the tea industry, the academy and to us personally, WTA is paying it forward by establishing a scholarship in his name,” states .
Keating had a long and impactful career as a tea shop proprietor, educator, author, consultant, tea blender, and specialty tea industry analyst and advisor. Keating initially entered the tea industry as the owner of the The TeaCup tea shop in Seattle where he noticed a strong customer draw towards and profitability of high quality whole-leaf blends long before tea became appreciated for its health benefits, reported . He also used his tea shop as a lab in which to study the challenges and opportunities that tea houses in the United States face. Keating went on to form the Sage Group where he tracked and predicted trends in the specialty tea industry and created numerous tea blends, including SPORTea and mixtures for Whole Foods Market. He also served as a strategic technical advisor to World Tea Academy beginning in 2013; and in 2018 wrote the course material for the ADV.13 Art of Flavoring, Blending and Scenting Tea, Part 1 course, which is part of the new Tea Blender Certification track.
Donna Fellman, Assistant Education Manager of World Tea Academy, said, “We were thinking of ways to honor Brian and one of those ways was to have a scholarship at World Tea Academy.” Keating mentored Fellman while she was the manager of the TeaCup in 2001-2003. “I personally, the Academy, as well as the entire tea industry have benefited from his knowledge and vision that he was so generous with,” added Fellman.
To enter, applicants should answer the following questions (with a limit of 4 – 8 sentences for each question) in an email to with “Brian Keating Gratitude Scholarship” in the subject line:
For more information on applying and details about courses, go to .